Spay it Forward
Is your heart broken (like ours) at the thought of so many stray and homeless cats? Here is the good news: we have a solution!
Spay It Forward!
Your small donation can make a BIG difference at the very heart of the problem. Every Rand will go directly towards sterilizing feral and homeless cats.
Every R450 raised will neuter a male cat.
Every R550 will spay a female cat.
Every R180 tests an adult cat for FIV and FELV. This promotes healthy colonies.
(Our kind-hearted vets are barely covering their costs at this price)
Spay it Forward is an initiative of CatzRUs . Although our core business is to rescue, foster and re-home kittens and non-feral cats, we feel we need to help reduce feral colonies in this way.
Donations will go through our bank account to the 'Spay It Forward' initiative
(Reference Donations CRU-SIF)
CatzRus is an NPO and our bank statements are public record. All funds received with the Reference CRU-SIF will be allocated to sterilize cats that are not part of our foster program.
This venture cannot be successful without the help of businesses (where most feral colonies are located) and the public.
Every Rand counts!
Please support our effort to make a difference!