Where on the spectrum are you!?
As rescue volunteers, we sometimes get to see both extremes on the adopter spectrum. Both move us to tears - either of frustration or joy.
Let's start with the adopter we all dread...
Xtreme Adopter Z:
Do you have 'fluffy tea-cup ragdoll kittens' (what are those??) with blue eyes, no more than 4 weeks old?
And now the adopter we all dream of!
Extreme Adopter A:
I want to meet the cat who has been in foster care with you the longest. I don't care how old he/she is. I don't care about looks. I want to offer a loving home to the cat who needs one the most.
Oh wow - how we love Xtreme Adopter A!! We all end up in tears. At last, someone who understands that adoption (and fostering) is all about love and not looks!
We understand that many people just can't be Xtreme Adopter A. And we are so very grateful for all those wonderful adopters in the middle who love and adopt our rescue kittens!
But this month... as we conclude our ADOPT A TRENDY TEEN CAMPAIGN, we would like to 'stir the pot' with our tongue-in-cheek, but all-too-true description of Xtreme Adopter above.
We celebrate 4 Teen Adoptions this month... with about 12 who still need to find homes.
If you feel nudged to consider a teen adoption, please do contact us.
Adopting a trendy teen... takes a special kind of adopter:
An adopter who
that the best years are ahead.
An adopter who is open to sitting quietly for an hour sometimes or more while the teen kitten emerges from under the bed and eventually touches their nose to the hand of their forever human.
An adopter with lots of love to give and the patience to wait until that love is accepted by a nervous kitty.
An adopter who adopts from the heart...
We're hoping that some of those special people will read this post and consider adopting one of our Trendy Teens.
